For outbound calling, the project is called a call center project, or sometimes a campaign. The project is the heart of the LeadDesk outbound solution, and provides a vast array of options for customising the way calls are managed and agents work. This article provides a summary of the process with links to each of the relevant sections for more details
Creating a project
In you Admin account,
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- To create a new project, click Create. You may be prompted to select which type of Project to create. If so, for outbound calling, select Call center project.
For complete details on each section of the project settings, click the links in the list below. Depending on the specific setup for your environment, certain sections may not appear when you create a project.
In summary:
- Complete the General information about your project. This includes its Name, Office, Description and Sponsor.
- Complete the Agent and contact list selections. Attach free agents to this project, and add one or more contact lists. Optionally, contact lists can be weighted.
- Complete the Product selections. Add any products or product groups to the project, and associate a manuscript.
- Manage the Results for your project. Choose which global outcomes should be available, and create outcomes particularly for this project. Define waiting periods.
- In the Calling methods section choose the calling methods available to the agents working on this project.
- The Contact settings lets you rename fields in the contact card, as well as check that the contents are valid.
- The Optional settings includes a wide array of options for tweaking the way the project works, as well as options to include integrations like mini-reports and links to external websites.
- The Callback settings determine how callbacks work for this project and how agents are notified about them.
- The Predictive dialer settings lets you choose what happens with dropped calls when working with the predictive dialer.
- The B2B settings are only available if you are using the B2B solution.
- Meeting calendar lets you select the calendar associated with this campaign.
- Custom fields
- The Inbound settings let you manage inbound calls associated with this project.
- The Recording settings control the default settings for all call recordings for this project.