In some regions, it is required by law that orders placed over the phone must be confirmed separately through another channel. In LeadDesk this process can be automated using the SMS Order Confirmation LeadApp. This article discusses how to set up order confirmation including automated reminder messages.
Activate SMS Order Confirmation
The SMS Order Confirmation tool is available from the LeadApp Store. It can be installed and activated from there.
To check that it has been activated in your environment, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- Click the
to the right of any of your projects.
If order confirmation is activated, you should see the option SMS order confirmation in the menu:
Creating the message templates
Before adding SMS order confirmation to any of your projects, you will first need to create the templates for the messages the tool sends. Only one of these templates is required for SMS order confirmation, but for best results we recommend setting up all four:
- The order message. Required. This is sent to the customer automatically to request confirmation.
- Invalid response. Optional. This is sent to the customer if they respond to the confirmation message but with an unexpected answer.
- Thank you message. Optional. This is sent to the customer when they respond correctly, confirming their order.
- Reminder message. Optional. This is sent to the customer if they do not respond to the request for confirmation.
For more information on this step, see this article.
Adding order confirmation to a project
Order confirmation needs to be set up for each project separately. In your Admin account:
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- If necessary, search for the project you want to add order confirmation to.
- Click the name of the project to edit its details.
- Go to the Optional settings for your campaign.
- In the External URL field, type (or copy and paste!) this address:
- Click the Save button in the top right to save the change.
Configuring order confirmation
Then, you need to configure which message templates should be used in which situation.
In your Admin account:
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- Click the
to the right of the project you want to configure.
- From the menu, click SMS order confirmation.
The LeadApp dialog will open.
Order confirmation SMS
This is a long dialog with many options, it may be a good idea to save your progress as you go through.
- You can save at any time by clicking the
button in the top right of the dialog.
In the section 1 Order confirmation SMS:
- Click the Call result drop-down list and select the outcome the agent chooses to begin the order confirmation process. It is generally best to use the global Deal reason, but if you have set up other outcomes for this purpose those may also be selected.
- In the Expected confirmation reply field, type the response you want to receive from the customer to confirm the order. This will look for an exact match (ignoring case), and your customer may not have typed exactly what you expect, so it is a good idea to include variations. Separate each valid response with a comma.
- Click the Order confirmation SMS template drop-down list and select the template you created previously. This is the mandatory order message.
- Click the SMS template for wrong reply drop-down list and select the template you created for this situation, if any. This step is optional, but is recommended.
Order states
The section 2 Order states is optional. It lets you automatically update the state of the order depending on its flow through the process. You will need to set up order states for this to work See this article for more on creating order states.
If you want to update order states for order confirmation:
- Click the Modify order state based on customer's reply slider to activate it.
For each of the drop-down lists Pending, Unconfirmed and Confirmed:
- Click the drop-down list and select the order state you want to represent that status for the order. There is an on-screen description for when each of the statuses are used.
It is possible the customer may send several responses, perhaps one invalid, and then correcting the mistake and sending a valid response (although the customer might alternatively send a valid response and then an invalid one). If you want to update the status of the order for every response the customer sends:
- Click the Update order state after each reply slider to activate it.
Welcome SMS
If the customer sends a confirmation message, you may want to reply with a welcome or thank you message. If you have created a message template for this purpose, to send it, use the section 3 Welcome SMS.
- Click the Send a welcome SMS slider to activate this option.
- Click the Welcome SMS template drop-down list and select the template you created for this purpose, if any.
The customer may send several confirmation messages. If you want to respond with the welcome message each time, click the Send welcome SMS after each reply slider to activate it.
While the final section, 4 Reminders, is also optional, it is an important step in getting an order confirmation if the customer does not reply immediately. You can send the customer reminder messages, or arrange to add a callback for the customer.
In the section 4 Reminders:
- Click the ADD STEP button.
- Click the Reminder type drop-down list and select SMS or Callback.
SMS reminders
- In the Delay field, type the number of hours before the callback will be created. The minimum is 1 hour, the maximum is one week, 168 hours.
- The message can be sent multiple times at the same interval. Type the number of times this reminder should be sent in the Reoccurrence field.
- By default, the message can be sent Monday through Friday. Click the X next to a day to remove it from the list.
- Click the Opening time to select the earliest time of day the reminder may be sent.
- Click the Closing time to select the latest time of day the reminder may be sent.
- Click the Reminder SMS template drop-down list to select the template for this reminder.
Callback reminders
- In the Delay field, type the number of hours before the callback will be created. The minimum is 1 hour, the maximum is one week, 168 hours.
- Click the Callback visibility drop-down list and select either a Public callback, or to create a private callback for the Original agent.
- Type a Callback comment that informs the agent the purpose of this callback.
Multiple reminders
While it is not best practice to spam your potential customers with reminder messages, it is possible to set up multiple reminders on different schedules and of different types. You could for example, create an SMS reminder which is sent to the customer twice, once an hour after the order was arranged. If the order still has not been confirmed after 24 hours, you might want to schedule a callback reminder.
- After you have completed the details of one reminder, click the ADD STEP button to add another reminder.
- Follow the steps above to create your new reminder.
Save the order confirmation details
Once the order confirmation details are complete:
- Click the
button to save the order confirmation details.
- Click the OK button to close the order confirmation window.