The key to teaching your chatbot how to answer questions is to observe Unanswered Messages and educate your chatbot how to respond to certain queries. Unanswered Messages are the bot whisperers' best friends!
Unanswered Messages
The Unanswered Messages view lists all the questions your chatbot has not been able to answer. This makes it easier to teach the chatbot new topics or a different way a question can be asked for an existing topic. Unanswered questions will be listed in this view only when the chatbot is connected to a chat platform. You can either add messages to existing intents or create a new intent.
Testing the chatbot in Chatbot Studio’s own Bot preview screen will not create unanswered messages!
Adding to an existing intent
In case there is an existing intent with queries rather similar to the unanswered message you're handling, you can choose the correct intent from the Suggested intents dropdown menu. If you can't see the desired intent under Suggested intents you can switch to All intents which lists all of your bot's intents.
Once the message has been added to a intent, the yellow icon will turn green and if it was the last Unanswered Message in that conversation, it will disappear from your list.
Creating a new intent
If the intent you'd like to add the message to does not exist yet, you can create it by clicking Create new intent. You can then add a name and a reply for the new intent. Once you click Save the unanswered message will be added to the intent you just created.