The AI Configuration page in Chatbot Studio lets you define the basic setup of your generative AI/LLM chatbot, if you are using one. It lets you define how your hybrid or LLM chatbot responds.
To update the settings for these chatbots, in Chatbot Studio:
- Go to the AI Configuration page.
If you are not using an LLM bot, the AI Configuration page will still be visible, but going to that page will show the message This feature is currently not enabled. To enable the feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager or
- In the Company name field, type your organisation's name in the way you want your chatbot to use it.
- The Chatbot welcome message field is used by LLM-only chatbots. Type the message that the chatbot will use to begin a conversation.
If you are using a hybrid chatbot, the welcome message should be defined in your initial intent. - Type a Bot name the bot will use to identify itself.
- Click the Default language drop-down list, the click to select a language. This sets the language that the bot defaults to and expects your visitors to use. However, the bot is multilingual, and will answer in other languages.
- In the Topics the bot can help with field, you can add a list of topics the chatbot can help with. Type a topic and press Enter to add it. Click the x next to a topic to remove it from the list. The bot will use this information when asked what it can help with.
- Click the Tone of voice drop-down list to select your preference for the chatbot's tone. You can choose between Professional and Formal, Friendly and Approachable, Neutral and Informative, and Enthusiastic and Engaging.
- Click the Answer Length drop-down list to select if the chatbot should use Short, Medium or Long answers.
- In the Additional instructions field, type any general guidance for the chatbot.
- Click the Save button in the top right when done.