The Chatbot Studio uses artificial intelligence to analyze users' messages and to find the most relevant reply.
Understanding the Scoring
Queries and Keywords are determined in each Default intent. This how you predict what the customers can ask from the chatbot. The closer the customer's message is to the queries and keywords you have taught the bot, the better the scoring is and the more accurate the reply is. Teaching several slightly different queries increases the probability of the intent being returned.
The minimum score to return an intent is 0.8. This is also called a 'threshold'. The maximum score with queries is 1, but can be even more when using keywords.
Scoring with Queries
Let's say we have an intent called 'How are you?' which is conveniently named to answer questions when the customer is interested in how our chatbot is doing. The intent takes in a few queries:
Now let's say the customer asks 'How are you doing ms. Chatbot?'. The score is not going to be 1 as we do not have that exact query taught to the chatbot. But this is completely fine, as we have taught 'how are you doing' as a query.
In this example our 'How are you?' intent got a score of 0.89.. and no other intent got a score of more than 0.8. If there are multiple intents that get scores of more than 0.8, chatbot will return the intent that got the highest score.
If there are no intents that get a score of more than 0.8, chatbot will return a Fallback intent.
Scoring with Keywords
With Keywords your score can climb even over 1! I modified the same intent to accept just keywords this time:
As there is the word 'and' between the keyword groups, ALL of these groups must match to the query by the customer. When all of them match, we get a score of over 1!
As you can see, Keywords and especially Keyword Groups produce a higher score but this will require you to predict more accurately what the customer might ask.