You can use scenarios to help organise your intents, and get an overview of the workflow your chatbot uses. They are related to, but not the same as categories. Two intents with the same category may be in different scenarios, and two intents in the same scenario. may have different categories.
Creating a scenario
Before you can attach scenarios to your intents, you must create it. In Studio:
- Go to the Scenarios page.
- Click the Add Scenario button
- Type a Name for the scenario. Choose something that will communicate what the scenario is.
- The Description is optional, but recommended. Type something to describe the workflow this scenario covers.
- Click the Add button.
Applying a scenario to an intent
When creating or editing an intent:
- Click the Scenario drop-down.
- Click to select the correct scenario for this intent. Notice that each intent can only be associated with one scenario.
- Make any other required changes.
- Click the Save button.
Repeat this for multiple intents that all fall within the same scenario.
Visual preview of scenarios
You can access the scenario view in two ways.
- While editing an intent, click the Go to visual preview link next to the Scenario drop-down list.
- Go to the Scenarios page and click the scenario you wish to view.
- Each intent associated with this scenario will appear in the preview.
- Where intents are directly linked, that link is shown in the preview. In the above example, the intent "Tech Spec R" shows buttons which link to two other intents.
- If a linked intent does not have the matching scenario its title will still be shown, with the icon
to show it is part of another scenario.
- If you have a large scenario, click and drag the background grid to move around it.
- If you click the name of an intent, you will be taken to the intent editor for that intent.
- Note that the visual preview does not allow editing, connecting or rearranging of intents. To make changes you will need to go to the intent editor for each affected intent.
Viewing multiple scenarios
To see how multiple scenarios relate:
- If one of the intents in the current preview is associated with a different scenario, click the
icon to add its scenario to the visual preview.
- Alternatively, click in the Scenario drop-down list at the top of the preview and click to select the next scenario to view.
You will now see expanded details of both scenarios in the preview.
- To remove one of the selected scenarios from the preview, click the x next to the scenario name in the Scenario drop-down.