If you want to review or update deals made, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Overview page.
- Go to the Deals subpage.
Because the volume of information on this page is potentially very large indeed, there are several ways to filter what this page shows.
- Click the filter drop-down list to select a specific Project, Product sponsor, Agent group, Agent, Office or Order state.
- Unlike most of the Overview pages, you can select a date range for the data. Click the start and end dates for Time interval to pick dates from calendars.
- If you have changed any of the filters or the date range, click the Use button to apply your preferences.
This table lists all matching calls for which an order was created, regardless of whether the call has a call ending reason of Deal.
The first few columns show:
- Information about the call: Date and time it began and which Agent handled it.
- Basic contact information for the customer: Number, Customer name, Company, Address, Postal code and City.
The last few columns show information about the deal:
- Project: Which project was this contact associated with for this order.
- Product sponsors. Shows the sponsors of the product, if any. See Sponsors & sponsor accounts
- Comment. Shows the call comment, if any. Clicking on the comment allows you to add or change the call comment.
- Status. Shows the current order state for this order. See Order states.
- Call recording. Shows links for the Call recording and Voice receipt if any.