When creating projects, the call center project is most often used for outbound calling. It can also be used to accept inbound calls, for example to provide customer service by phone. For other channels like email and webchat, you should use an inbound customer service project.
If you are working inbound in an outbound project, this articles consider the options the project offers you.
In you Admin account,
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- To create a new project, click Create. You may be prompted to select which type of Project to create. If so, for outbound calling, select Call center project.
Alternatively, to edit an existing project, find it in the Project List and click its name. - Scroll down to the Inbound settings section.
When an inbound call is offered to an agent, the customer information can be shown. You can select if that happens, and where that information can be found.
- If you do not want the customer information displayed, click to select Don't show customer information.
- If you do want customer information displayed, click to select if the information can be take from:
- ...any contact list,
- only from contact lists with the same sponsor as ...the sponsor of the project
- any of a list of ...the selected projects' contact lists. If you choose this option, click in the field below to select the projects.
Call blending
- Agent can receive inbound queue calls in any call tab. If this is unticked, agents can only answer inbound calls on the inbound page of the Outbound interface.
Automatic answering
You can have incoming calls be automatically answered:
- ... for direct inbound calls. Click to tick this checkbox to automatically answer any calls directly to the agent.
- ... for queue calls. Click to tick this checkbox to automatically answer any calls that come from a queue.
Inbound tab frame URL
- If you put a web page into this field, it will appear at the bottom of the Inbound page in the Outbound interface. You can pass URL variables to the site and specify the Frame height that the page will be displayed in.