Your status in Talk determines whether you can receive calls or not and may be used for reporting purposes.
Automatic status change
If you are online and either available for calls, or on a call, there will be a green dot next to your username in the top-right of Talk:
If you are inactive for an extended period, Talk will automatically change your status to Passive. The dot next to your username becomes red, and the Talk screen shows a graphic of a calendar:
Starting inbound calls
If you use talk with inbound calls, you will need to set yourself as ready to receive calls.
- Click the button to mark yourself available for inbound calls.
Note that doing so will set your status to Available, even if no calls arrive. If Talk sets you as Passive in this situation, you will be Available and Passive.
- When starting inbound calls, you can optionally set Talk to automatically answer calls for you. To do this tick the tick-box for Auto answer queue calls and/or Auto answer other inbound calls.
Manually changing your status
To change your status:
- Click on your username in the top-right of Talk.
- Click to select the relevant option from the STATUS list in the menu.
Note that the options available in the menu will depend on your local setup.
- If you choose Online, you will be available for calls.
- If you choose any other STATUS option, you will be marked as unavailable for the reason you selected. Depending on local policy, your selected unavailable status may be used for reports, so choosing the correct option can be very important.
- If you do not wish to change your status, click outside the menu to dismiss it.
If you are unavailable, the dot next to your name turns red, and your Talk interface will show a calendar graphic with your selected status at the top.