The Easy E-Signing LeadApp allows the customer to quickly and securely access and sign documents. It works fluently both on desktop and on mobile.
You can easily upload and send documents for customers to sign, and check their signing status any time.
- The LeadApp needs to be activated. It can be done on LeadApp Store.
- There should be viewed and signed order states. They are automatically created when activating the LeadApp.
How it works
- Agent sends an invitation via email or SMS to a customer directing to the contract to be signed.
- The contract document is linked with the campaign and managed by the admin.
- Contract documents are used as templates for actual contracts customers sign. The contract is considered as signed, when the customer enters the last page of the document (Confirmation/thank you page).
Notice: If the document has only one page, the contract will be accepted immediately. Thus the contract document should always contain a separate thank you/confirmation page in the end of the contract.
E-sign overview:
Admin > Products (1) > E-sign (2)
From this menu you will find all of your current contract documents.
- When starting off with your first document, click on the "Create new document" (3)
- When you have existing documents, you can review them from this menu (4)
- 'Pages' - how many pages are involved in this document
- 'Contract' - total amount of contracts send (amount accepted, declined) & a review option.
- 'Active' - is this document in use <yes / no>
Creating a new document
This menu allows you to configure the document that is send over to a customer.
- Document name: how the customer will see the document when sent over.
- Linked campaigns multi-select: here you can select active campaigns on which the document is available.
- Active checkbox: where this document can be used (in above mentioned campaigns)
- SMS sender: when sending out a SMS, the customer will receive a SMS from this phonenumber.
Text is possible here, but it can only be 1 word, no special characters, scandinavian letters or spaces are allowed.
Please note that local operators might not accept your wording.
This will overwrite the phonenumber or name that you have in your message template. - E-mail sender: when sending out a e-mail, the customer will receive the e-mail from this address.
- Link expiry: the amount of days for which the contract can be signed, starting from the moment it is send out by the agent.
- Logo image: here you can upload your own logo, which will show on top of your document which is send over to your customer. By default, this is the LeadDesk logo.
- Page 1 (2, 3, ..): here you can fill out basic information shown in the document.
If you have more than one page, there will be a "Next page" button at the document, until the final page is reached. On the last page there will be a checkbox for approval. - Insert tag: this allows you to add dynamic tags to your text field above, for instance to fetch the first name of your contact and placing it into your document.
< Hi {contact.fname} > would become <Hi Michael> - personalizing the document. - Button text: text displayed on the button at the bottom of the document. The customer will be lead to the next page after clicking the button (I.e. a Next button)
- Checkbox text: If you want to add a checkbox for the page, you should add text into the field. The user cannot move to the next page unless the checkbox is checked (approved).
Remember to click on "Save changes" to save any alterations made to your document.
Invitation messages
Required: Invitation messages are message templates with a link to the contract document. You need to have both email and one SMS template.
You can create these from Admin > General Settings > Message templates.
In your template, you need to put the following dynamic tag: {esign.sign_url}. This tag will be replaced by a link directing to the contract document to be signed.
Adding eSign for the campaign
The eSign will be visible as a tab on the agent view. This is done by adding a link to E-signing functionality to a campaign as Campaign web address (Campaign editor>Optional settings).
The option is available in the pull down menu or the address to be copied to the field is below.{ld_client_id}&ld_client_auth={ld_client_auth}&ld_agent_id={ld_agent_id}&ld_callid={ld_callid}
In addition to the web address, the campaign needs to be linked with the contract document (see Creating the new document).
Agent: Sending an invitation to the customer and reviewing accepted documents
See the agent manual.
Admin: Reviewing accepted documents by your customer
The admin can easily see all contracts sent and their statuses. You can review contracts:
- The Admin > Products > E-sign > under your document you can now monitor:
- The amount of contracts sent
- The amount of contracts opened and accepted
- By clicking on "Show contracts" you can review the content of those orders, including details of the customer and the timeline of acceptance of the document.
Admin: Downloading contracts
The admin can easily see all contracts sent and their statuses. The admin can also download a PDF containing single or all contracts with details and the customer activities, including the IP address.
To see your contracts, go to the page Admin > Products > E-sign, select your contract document and press Show contracts.
You can download all contracts from a link on the top of the contract list. A single contract can be downloaded by pressing the Download PDF.