The Conversations page allows an Admin to monitor and review agent conversations with clients. It is primarily intended for use alongside agents using the Omni interface, allowing Admins to check the contents of messages being sent, and monitor progress.
Viewing conversations
In your Admin account:
- Go to the Overview page.
- Go to the Conversations subpage.
The Conversations page will show a list of all conversations, starting with the conversation with the most recent update to it.
The table displays the following information:
- Date and time of the most recent status change.
- Current agent responsible for the most recent status change in this conversation. The current agent can change during the course of the conversation.
- Customer name.
- Inbound source shows the email address or phone number of the customer, or the webchat id for webchats.
- Status shows the result of the most recent status change. This will show if the conversation is Queued, Active or Closed, or if there has been an Error.
- Last result shows the outcome, the call ending reason, assigned to the conversation, if any.
- Duration. Duration of the conversation.
Viewing conversation details
To see more about a particular conversation:
- Click the icon to the left of the table to expand that conversation.
- Click the Open message link on the right of the table to see an individual message.
Refreshing the table
The information on the Conversations page is not updated in real time, to avoid a constant flicker of new updates, and changing the order of the table.
To refresh the page and see the latest information:
- Click the Refresh page button at the top of the page.
Filtering the results
The amount of information available on the Conversations page can become a little overwhelming. You can filter the list to help you focus on the details which matter to you.
- Click the icon next to Conversations above the table.
You can filter by any combination of Agent group, Agent, Office, or Status. You can also specify a Time interval.
- Click the drop-down list for the criteria you want to filter on.
- Click to tick the items you want to display, or untick the items you do not wish to see.
Use the Clear all option to uncheck all, and Select all to enable all options again.
- Change the Time interval to display by clicking the start and ends dates and choosing the appropriate dates.
Note that filters are applied exactly as you specify them, without checking to see if the combination makes sense. For example, you can select an Agent group that works in your Oslo office, and then the Office as Stockholm. A filter like this would show no results.
Searching for conversations
To search for a conversation type a search clue in the search field.
- Your search clue must be a minimum of three characters long.
- Searching will match on any information in the conversation, including the contents of messages.
- Any filters you have applied will be suppressed for the search, which always looks at all conversations.
When you have finished looking at search results, click the X in the search field to clear the search.
- When you clear your search, filters will be reapplied.