The search tool in LeadDesk is a powerful tool that lets you find and potentially edit a wide range of data regarding activity on your environment.
To conduct a search, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Overview page.
- Go to the Search subpage.
- Type the search clue in an appropriate field
- Click one of the Search buttons.
You can search using either:
- Phone number
- Call ID or Contact ID
- Name
- Product
- Meeting calendar information
LeadDesk will search for the criteria, offering results in three categories:
Search tips
- Search by number. The first field is for the country code of the number and will be prefilled with the country code for your location.
Call ID or Contact ID. If you are searching for a specific call or contact, and know their ID, this option will be the most precise, showing only items which exactly match. If you want broader results, searching on other terms might be better.
For example, if your contact has been duplicated, perhaps because they were on multiple contact lists, and you are not sure which version has the order you are searching for, conducting a name search might be better. - Name. Can search on any combination of First name, Last name and Company.
- Product. Check the Products page to make sure you get the correct name and spelling.
- Meeting calendar. The search clue must be at least 4 characters long.
Search results
Click to tick Show call and contact IDs to see these columns in your search results. This information is especially useful if you need to contact support about a particular call.
Phone numbers results
This shows a list of all contact cards which match your search clue, even if they don't have a phone number. In this example, the check box Show call and contact IDs is ticked:
- Status - Current status of the contact card.
- Time created - Date and time the contact was added to its contact list.
- Phone number
- Name - Combines First name and Last name from the contact card.
- Company
- Contact list - The contact list in which this contact card is stored.
- Project - The name of the project to which the contact list is attached.
- Comment - Clicking on the icon in this column lets you add a comment which will be added to the contact's comment history.
There are one or two links on the right of the table which let you either:
- Remove from contact list. Marks this contact card as inactive.
- Delete phone number - Removes the phone number completely from the contact card. Its history will still show in the call history but the number will not be selectable by the agent.
Orders results
Lists all orders attached to the contact cards that match your search.
- Date - When the order for this contact was sent.
- Agent - The agent that registered the order.
- Phone number - The phone number used to make the order. There may be other numbers available in the contact card.
- Name, company, address, postal code and city - Values fetched straight from the contact card where the order was made on.
- Order comment - If an agent filled out the order comment in the contact card, it will show here.
Voice receipt - Certain countries legally require a voice receipt to be made during a call to confirm the order. This recording is a smaller voice clip within the normal recording that LeadDesk makes.
This can be made mandatory from the Project settings. - View/edit - This allows you to review the contact card and the order to make changes directly into the system.
Calls results
Shows the call history for matching contact cards, in chronological order.
- Date - When the agent started to call the customer. This will show all call attempts; both connected calls and calls that did not connect.
- Phone number - The number the agent called. If an agent calls two numbers within one contact card, the overview will show these calls in two different lines.
- Agent - The agent's name.
- Name - Combines First name and Last name from the contact card.
- Company - Company name.
- Contact list - The name of the contact list in which this contact card is stored.
If a call was made manually or received via inbound and the contact card was not saved by the agent, the contact list value will be empty.
- Project - The name of the project to which the contact list is attached.
- Duration - How long the call lasted.
- Comment - The call comment for this call.
- Status - Answered, unanswered, busy.
Outcome - The outcome selected by the agent.
- "Continued call" will show when an agent tried calling different numbers on the same contact card.
- "Not selected" means the agent did not choose a reason, perhaps because the program closed during a call.
- Full call - If a call was made (line connected for more than 5 seconds) you have the option to "Play" the recording via this interface or download the call to your computer. You can also view the transcript of the call, if one is available.
To be able to listen to recordings, you need to allow your browser to make use of your headset.
Recordings are stored for a limited amount of months, based on your agreement. Default is 3 months. If you want to extend the time, please contact your key account manager.