Contact lists are an essential part of all LeadDesk activity. For more on creating and managing contact lists, see these articles.
To monitor the performance of your contact lists, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Overview page.
- Go to the Contact lists subpage.
- If you have assigned offices to your contact lists, you can filter this view to show only one office's lists. Click the Office drop-down list and select the appropriate office.
The table will only show contact lists which have had active use today. The columns show the following information.
- Name. The name of the list.
- Legend. The description of the list when it was created.
- Expiry date. The date after which all contacts on this list become unavailable.
- Calling rounds made. The highest number of times any contact on the list has been called.
- Total contacts. The total number of contacts in the list, whatever their status.
- Contacts left. The total number of contacts still available for calling. Contacts become unavailable either when they have been finalised by an agent, or they have reached their allowed call attempts.
- Unused. The number of contacts for which no call attempt has been made.
- In circulation. The number of contacts that have been called at least once but have yet to be finalised. These numbers will be called again.
- Finished. Contacts that have either been finalised by agents or have reached their call attempt limit.
Total contacts should be a sum of Unused, In circulation and Finished.
As well as providing a general overview of the list's status, the table also give some information about its performance today, in the last four columns.
- Answered calls today. Shows the number of calls today that connected. Note that if the call is picked up by voicemail, it is still included in these "answered" statistics.
- Finalized calls today. The number of calls which either reached their call attempt limit today, or were finalised by agents today.
- Deals today. The number of times an agent selected the call ending reason Deal today.
- Deals / finalized today. What percentage of the finalised calls were because the Deal call ending reason was selected.