As well as providing some useful information about calls, like the duration and outcome, the Overview page's Calls subpage also lets you listen to call recordings, and change certain aspects of the call.
In your Admin account:
- Go to the Overview page.
- Go to the Calls subpage.
Because the volume of information on this page is potentially very large, there are several ways to filter what this page shows.
- Click the filter drop-down list to select a specific Project, Agent group, Agent, Call result or Office.
- Unlike most of the Overview pages, you can select a date range for the data. Click the start and end dates for Time interval to pick dates from calendars.
- If you have changed any of the filters or the date range, click the Use button to apply your preferences.
The table shows a summary of each call, some of the details can be edited. The first few columns give some general information about the calls:
- Date and time. When the call began.
Number. For outbound calls, the number called. For inbound the number that originated the call. An icon appears next to the number indicating the type of call.
Outbound manual call.
Outbound call with Preview calling ("semiautomatic").
Outbound call with Progressive calling ("automatic").
Inbound call from a queue.
- If the outbound call icons are red, the call was not answered.
- Agent. The name of the agent for that call.
- Customer name. The name on the contact card. If there is no name on the card used, the name shows as (unnamed). This shows as a link. Clicking on it lets you update the contact card information if needed.
- Company. Company name, if present on the contact card.
- Project. The name of the project associated with this call.
- Call duration. How long the call took.
- Comment. Shows the call comment, if any. Clicking on the comment allows you to add or change the call comment.
- Status. Shows whether the call was Answered or had No answer.
- Result. Shows the outcome selected by the agent. You can click on it to update if needed.
Call recording. Click the
to play the recording (if any).
- Create order. Click this link to create an order for this call, if needed.
The page is one of the places you can access the call transcripts created by AI Transcriber, see the article Using the AI Transcriber for more information.