This release includes important updates for Inbound routes in the Admin interface.
- Several updates for the Inbound Routes menu, including:
- Admins can create Facebook messenger routes again.
- Email routes can be directed to an agent.
- Leadlink routes can be created.
- Call routes can be edited.
- Agents receiving a call from an inbound project while working on an outbound project could have their recording controls show the incorrect status. This has been fixed.
- Tool tips to show full details of an "Other info" field on a contact card, were not updating correctly when agents moved to a new contact. Now they are.
- A notification in the campaign web site tab that warned about changed contact details, was persisting even after moving to a new contact. This is now fixed.
- In the case where you had allowed agents to pick calls from queues, if an agent chose a call from a queue, but then rejected it,, the button to answer other calls was no longer showing. This has been fixed.
- The Longest time in queue for a message should now match, as expected, whether the statistic is viewed by the Agent or the Admin.
- Reducing the size of the Talk window could make it impossible to click the Save button when selecting a call ending reason. This has been fixed.