Making or receiving calls in LeadDesk requires an Agent account. Agents do not have access to the Admin interface.
In the Admin account, to create a new agent:
- Go to the Users page.
- Go to the User list subpage.
- Click the Create button.
User account information
The user’s Level determines whether their login takes them to an agent or admin interface. To create an agent:
- Click the Level drop-down list and select Agent.
- Type the agent’s Username. Usernames have a maximum length of 64 characters and can contain the characters a-zA-Z0-9_@.-
- Click the Set password link.
- Type a password. This will be a temporary password that the agent will need to change when they first log in.
- Click the Set button.
- Complete other fields in the User account information as required.
- Language. Click this drop-down list to select the language the agent's interface will use.
- Inbound number. Will be completed automatically when the agent logs in.
- Outbound email address. May be used by message templates when sending messages.
- Default outbound number. Click this drop-down list to select the number to be shown when the agent dials out. This setting may be overridden by your campaign/project.
- Agent alias for webchat. Type a name for the agent to use if they are using webchat.
- If you tick the Restrict user's login check box, the agent will only be able to log in from the same IP address as their Office. If you did not set an IP Address for your Office when you created it, do not use this option.
- If you tick the Maximum ringing time check box, you can specify a number of seconds that outbound calls will ring for the agent before moving on if it is not picked up. Applies to the progressive calling mode.
- Complete agent's Contact information and Employment information as needed.
- Type the agent’s Full name. This field is mandatory.
- The agent's Email is also required if you are using Single Sign On to log in.
- If you use multiple offices, you may want to assign an Office to this agent.
Choosing the interface for the agent
There are several different agent interfaces that you may have available, depending on how you use LeadDesk. These include the Outbound interface if you are mostly using outbound calls, and Omni if you are dealing with incoming calls and messages. There are other interfaces for other use cases. You will have one of two ways to assign the agent’s interface.
- If you have profiles enabled in your environment, you can assign multiple profiles to an agent, letting them switch between, say, the Outbound interface and the Omni interface at need.
- Otherwise, you assign one interface to each agent.
If you are not using profiles:
- In the UI mode section, click to select the appropriate option.
Alternatively, if you are using profiles, in the Agent profiles section:
- Click the Create profile button.
- Type a Name for this profile.
- Click the Profile UI mode drop-down list and select the appropriate mode.
- Click Create.
Check that the Name and UI Mode you just created is listed in the table.
User permissions
Optionally, you can set which views an agent has access to in the Outbound interface, whether they can listen to call recordings, or if working inbound, whether they can pick the queues they are serving
- Click the User permissions section heading.
- Click the View permissions section heading.
- Click to untick any views you do not want this agent to access.
- Click the Functional permissions section heading.
- Click to untick Can listen to call recordings if you do not want the agent to be able to listen to call recordings.
- Click to tick Allow users to choose queues they want to serve if the agent works inbound, and you want to allow this agent to decide which queues to take calls from.
In most situations you should not change the VoIP settings.
- Click the Create button in the top right of the screen.