Per release version r84.30 on Thursday, we are including an improvement for daylight savings functionality.
This affects the automatic start up of the robot dialer and your scheduled sending of reports over email:
- The robot would not understand that daylight savings moved the clock an hour forward or backwards, and start / stop the robot at the same time, ignoring the change.
- A report saved as a "favorite" and set to be send over e-mail through our scheduled service would not understand that daylight savings moved the clock an hour forward or backwards.
The report and its data would be created and send at the original time, ignoring the change.
This has now been fixed through this release.
Where we cannot assess if the intention of the administrator was to use Summer or Winter time, we did not force any changes on either one.
Rather, the change would take place at the moment that the service (robot or report) would be saved once from the Admin panel, verifying that the settings are correct.
If you are relying on these services, we hereby like to take a moment to notify you that you could now review your own settings, and click that "Save" button once and for all to experience this improvement.