As an admin you determine whether particular user type are required to use Single Sign On (SSO), or define the requirements for user passwords.
In your Admin account:
- Go to the Users page.
- Go to the Settings subpage.
Password settings
In the Password settings section you can set the requirements for passwords, including:
- Set the Minimum length of the password. This will set the minimum number characters required when setting a new password.
- Set the Expiration period for passwords. After the specified number of days, the user will be required to change their password.
- If you want agents to be able to reset their own password in their own application, click to tick Password can be changed by agent from settings. Agents will then have an option to reset their password in their settings page.
Single Sign On
In the Single Sign On section, you can determine which user rules must use SSO. If you make SSO mandatory for agents, they will need an Email address in their account settings. See Creating an Agent account.
- Click to tick each role you wish to require single sign on use.
Save changes
After making any changes to these settings:
- Click the Save button in the top-right to keep the changes.