Call recording
In a change to call recording in Omni, Outbound and Talk, recordings in the browser can now be in stereo, with the agent recorded on the left channel, and the contact on the right channel. Splitting the voices like this makes it easier to distinguish voices, both for reviewing calls later, and for tools like transcription.
- Added a setting for outbound campaigns that allow agents to record multiple voice receipts for the same order. Click to tick the checkbox in the Recording settings for outbound campaigns.
- Admins can review multiple voice receipts in the Overview page, either on the Deals or Search subpages. For more details see this article.
- Added a setting in the Projects page, Settings subpage which will automatically start Inbound for agents using the Outbound interface who go to the Inbound tab.
- The Overview's Call robots page will correctly show the robots' selected campaigns again.
- Improved the handling of time zones for scheduled reports.
- Contacts lists with a hard expiry date cannot be restored from the archive.
- If enabled by Admins, Agents can now record multiple voice receipts for the same order. Clicking the Voice receipt button for a second (or subsequent) time for the same order will prompt you if you want to record a new receipt or override the existing one.
- If an agent is using Outbound when there is no microphone connected, or properly set up, they now receive a clear notification of the problem.
- The View mode in the B2B tab (if available) will now remember the agent's most recent selection. Moving around the interface and back to the B2B tab, agents will have the same View mode selected.
- Improved commission handling when updating an order where the product was modified. Also applies to the Legacy Outbound interface.
- The email editor is now rich text, even if the agent has not clicked the Format button. This allows the use of keyboard shortcuts for formatting even if the formatting toolbar is not on screen.
- Improved the handling of links in message templates when used as canned messages. The links will now behave correctly as links.
- Improved handling of emails with multiple attachments.
- The On-call status in the logout drop-down has been asked to calm down and is back to only being listed once.
- If a keyboard shortcut has been assigned to a call ending reason, agents using Talk will now be able to use that shortcut.
- When the agent is not actively calling with Talk, their status in the activity log will be Passive.
- If an agent is taking calls coming in from one or more queues, the total number of calls waiting in those queues will now be visible to the agent.
- Improved handling of call ending reasons that send SMS templates.