An inbound route is what connects a webchat widget to the rest of your LeadDesk environment. Using an inbound route you can send messages on that widget to a queue, or flows that handle the preprocessing of that message.
Creating a route
To create a new inbound route, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Inbound page.
- Go to the Inbound routes subpage.
To create a new route :
- Click the Create button.
- In the Destination settings dialog, click the Type drop-down list and select Webchat.
- In the WebChat domain, type the address of the website where the chat widget will be hosted. Do not include http:// or https:// in the address.
- The Connector Id is automatically generated.
Choosing the destination
In general, the best option for Destination type will be to select Flow. You can then handle each new chat before it reaches the agents, for example using the New contact applet to create a new contact whenever a new conversation begins.
That said, Destination type let's you choose:
- Flow
- LeadML
- Queue
Your choice will determine what other fields you need to complete.
Before selecting this option you will need to have created the flow you wish to connect to. To direct messages to that flow:
- Click the Destination type drop-down list and select Flow.
- Click the Flow drop-down list and select the desired flow.
- Click OK.
LeadML is the language used to create flows. It is possible you might have created LeadML code outside the Flow tool and this option lets you link to that.
- Click the Destination type drop-down list and select LeadML.
- Type the LeadML name.
- Type (or more likely paste!) the URL of your LeadML code.
- Click OK.
QueueYou can also direct messages straight to an Omnichannel queue.