This article is part of the Implementing Omni series. The previous article is Creating a message queue
Inbound routes create the bridge from the outside world into your omni environment. You will need an inbound route for each email address a customer might use to reach you.
Creating a route
To create an inbound route, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Inbound page.
- Go to the Inbound routes subpage.
- Click the Create button.
Choosing the destination
For Destination type you can choose:
Your choice will determine what other fields you need to complete. FlowTo direct messages to a flow:
LeadML is the language used to create flows. It is possible you might have created LeadML code outside the Flow tool and this option lets you link to that.
- Click the Destination type drop-down list and select LeadML.
- Type the LeadML name.
- Type (or more likely paste!) the URL of your LeadML code.
- Click OK.
You can also direct messages straight to an Omnichannel queue.
- Click the Destination type drop-down list and select Queue.
- Click the Omnichannel queue drop-down list and select the appropriate queue.
- Click the Project drop-down list and select the appropriate project.
- Click OK.
Remember to create an inbound route for each email address the customer might use to contact your service.
Optionally, if you want to test inbound email, you can create an inbound route for your internal email address. See this article for more.
The final step of setting up inbound email is to ensure that emails are being correctly forwarded.