The report SMS & Email Sending offers information about the number of outgoing messages in a selected period. Optionally, you can filter the results to only show messages for one campaign or one contact list.
For more general information about creating reports, see this article.
At the top of the page is a table showing the options selected when creating the report. Beneath that is a table for the report values.
Message sent |
Date and time the message was sent. |
Call log ID |
Campaign name |
If the message was associated with a campaign or project, its name will be shown here. |
Message type |
SMS or Email. |
Sent successfully |
Shows true if the message was sent successfully. |
Sender |
The sending number. |
Receiver |
The receiving number. |
Amount of messages |
If a long message is sent via SMS, it will be split across multiple messages. The number in this column shows how many. |
Content |
Displays what the message contained. |
You can sort the columns of the report table by clicking in the header for the column you wish to sort by.