If you're calling via the application, recordings of phone calls made are saved locally on your computer. Uploading the files will be done when there's enough available bandwidth. You can decide per computer how much bandwidth is made available via LeadDesk Setup under the Program tab.
Please note: recordings will only upload if the application is running.
If you're calling via the browser, recordings are saved directly onto our PBX server.
Error message: "Unsent audio recordings."
This is commonly because a firewall has blocked recordings being transferred to the LeadDesk server from the user’s computer. The following applications need to be allowed by firewalls on all applicable computers:
- callmaker.exe
- callmakersetup.exe
- starters.exe
- lame.exe
- newmedia
If you are using application-level antivirus, to ensure access to recording files, the following application should be an exception:
- lame.exe
If you or your IT needs to whitelist IP addresses before you can send out data, please whitelist:
If a recording gets stuck on a user’s computer it can be found from the following path:
- Windows 7: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp\CallMaker
- Windows 8: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp\CallMaker
- Windows 10: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp\CallMaker
{username} should be replaced by the Windows username with which you are logged in.
- Recordings transfer to the LeadDesk server when LeadDesk is running
- If you have a recording that did not finish, you should rename the file and add the .wav suffix.
It will now playback normally.
When you open up the LeadDesk application, you will receive a pop-up as shown below.
This means that LeadDesk recognizes your recording and will upload it shortly.