This troubleshooting guide applies to:
- Agents.
- Using the LeadDesk Windows application.
- Which either closed unexpectedly, or froze to the point that you can't click on anything.
First time user?
If you have used the application before and it worked previously, proceed to Is the problem repeatable?
If this is the first time you are using the Windows application, or you have never been able to get the application to work, try the following:
First, let's make sure you have a clean install of the application:
- Uninstall the application.
- Get the latest version from our downloads page.
- Reinstall the application.
- Restart your PC.
- Launch the application again.
Check your firewall settings
Next, make sure that the application is whitelisted in your firewall setup. For more details see the support article Adding LeadDesk to Windows Firewall.
Check your PC meets LeadDesk's minimum specifications
Ensure that your PC meets the minimum specifications to run the LeadDesk application. For more details, see the support article LeadDesk requirements.
Is the problem repeatable?
Restart the application and as much as possible retrace your steps. Does the problem happen again when you take a particular action, choose a particular option, or click on a specific button?
If so, you should contact LeadDesk's support team:
- Note down as much as possible about the problem, including time,, actions taken that led to the crash, if the problem happened during a call, talk to your administrator to get the call id (as described in the article Search overview).
- Contact the support team.
Is the problem "random"?
If the crash recurs, but is not consistent about when or where it happens, the most likely causes are hardware or OS-related.
Check CPU or memory usage
If your PC's memory or CPU usage approaches 100% while using the LeadDesk application, this may cause problems.
- You can monitor the usage levels using Windows Task Manager. Either search for "task manager" in the Windows Start menu, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
- If either of these usage levels are too high, restart your PC and see if that helps.
- If not, consult your local administrator. You may need to close down some applications while running LeadDesk, or disable applications in the Startup tab of Task Manager..
- We cannot advise you which tasks to end or applications to disable!
Check disk usage
Similarly, if you are running low on disk space LeadDesk may not be able to write information to disk when it needs to. This can cause problems.
- Check how much free disk space you have on your PC.
- If this is getting low, you will need to free up some disk space.
- Talk to your local administrator on how to do this. You may need to delete unneeded files, or remove unnecessary applications.
- Again, we cannot advise you which files/applications can be removed!
Contact support
If none of the above helps, you will need to contact the support team.
When you do, they may ask you to check the event viewer or application logs. You do not need to look at these options unless directed to by support, but if you are, these instructions will help you find the relevant information.
Event Viewer
To launch the Event Viewer:
- In the Windows Start menu's Search field, search for Event Viewer.
- In the Event Viewer window, click the > next to Windows logs.
- Check the Security and System logs.
- See if you can identity a log entry at the time of the crash with a Level of Critical, Error or Warning. There may be no entry.
- Click on the entry, if there is one, and note the information in the General tab underneath the log. This information may be of use to our support team.
Application logs
To view the application logs:
- Launch Windows Explorer.
- Click in the address field (not the quick search).
- Type the address %temp%\CallMaker\logs
- Open the file leaddesk.log
- In the log, look for the time around the crash.
- Support will want to know about any log entries a that time that are listed as [ERROR] or include details such as failed to...