The default contact card in LeadDesk contains a set of standard demographic fields, as well as thirty-five Other info fields which can be put to whatever use is needed. Each field can contain only text, and unless you have made changes in your environment, most fields will accept any text.
There are more subtleties to the contact card that it first appears, and Admins can control what type of information is recorded in a contact.
Special fields
Phone number
Any contact might have multiple phone numbers. Unlike other fields, the Phone number field has a drop-down arrow to allow agents to select alternate numbers, if available. Agents can also record additional phone numbers for contacts by clicking the + Add phone number button.
Person ID
As described below, your project's Contact settings can require certain fields contain specific types of information. Generally, this will be a number or text. The Person ID field optionally has a unique format requirement - it can be required to be a properly formatted Finnish social security number.
The Web site field is unique in that its label is shown as a link in Outbound or Legacy Outbound. If the field contains a valid web address, clicking on the label will open the link in a new tab. This is not available for Agents using Omni.
Contact settings in Projects
For details on how to find and update the contact settings for your project or campaign, see this article: Contact settings in projects.
For each field, Admins can edit the label's name, hide it, make it non-editable and validate the contents of the field in several ways, including creating a drop-down list with pre-defined options.
In this example:
- The field names for Other info 1, 2 and 3 have been renamed.
- The newly named Interest field has been given a Field type of Dropdown, and the Field values have been edited to a list of sports and hobbies.
- The newly named Favourite food field has been set to to be required as Not empty when placing an order.
- The newly named Type field has been set to requiring a Number. This will be validated both when placing an order and when saving contact even if there is no order.