This article is part of the Implementing Omni series. The previous article is Email setup for the Example company.
To serve customers via SMS you will need to add an SMS number to your Omni environment. This could be the same number as you use for voice calls, though this can increase the cost of that number.
Project and queue
Before ordering the number, you will need to have:
- At least one inbound project. This does not need to be a new project, so if you followed the instructions in this article, you could use the same project or projects you created there. Alternatively, you may wish to create a new project for SMS, so that they are easier to separate from emails in reporting.
- At least one inbound queue. Unless you have different agents and different skill requirements, you could use the same queue as for email, if you created one. If you do use different agents or skills for SMS, create new queues following the instructions in this article.
Once you know the name of the project and inbound queue that you will use, for SMS, you can order your SMS number.