When creating projects, contact lists, agents and products, you may associate them with an office. This is an administrative flag which can later be used to filter views and reports to show only that office. Unlike sponsors, offices are not mandatory, so you may choose to use them or not.
The name "office" suggests these are locations, and indeed they can be used as such. You can have projects associated with offices for your Paris-based team and your Amsterdam-based team, for example. However, offices in LeadDesk do not have to be location based. You might instead use different offices for different departments or teams.
To create an office, in your Admin account:
- Go to the General Settings page.
- Go to the Offices subpage.
- Click the Create new office button.
- Type the Name of your office.
- Optionally, click the Time zone drop-down list to choose a time zone.
- Optionally, type an IP address.
- Click the Save button.
Single or multiple IP addresses
When creating agent accounts, you can restrict their ability to log in based on their IP address. If you use this option, they can only log in if their IP address matches one specified in the office. This can be a single IP address, or multiple. In the IP address field:
- (single allowed IP)
- /^(192\.168\.1\.1|192\.168\.1\.2)$/ (two allowed IP addresses)
- /^193\.64\.2\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)$/ (0->100 IP address allowed)