The global settings define behaviour across the whole of LeadDesk. They include time and date formats, and currency settings as well as filter and data retention preferences. If your environment includes Omni, there will be additional settings.
To change these settings, in you Admin account:
- Go to the General Settings page.
- Go to the Global settings subpage.
In the Date and time section:
- Click the Date format drop-down list to select how dates should appear across LeadDesk.
- Click the Time format drop-down list to select how times should appear across LeadDesk.
- Click the Default timezone drop-down list to choose which time zone your activity is in by default.
In the Currency section:
- Click the Currency drop-down list to select the preferred currency to use across LeadDesk.
In the Office filter settings section:
- Many of the Overview pages allow you to filter their lists based on Office. This setting determines whether the office considered is Agents' office or the Project's.
In the Data retention section:
- This setting determines how long data is held on your system. Type a duration in months, with a maximum value of 120 months (ten years).
In the Audio codecs section:
- Click the drop-down lists to choose which codecs are used for Application calling and Browser calling. Do not change these settings unless you are absolutely sure you need to.
In the Omnichannel settings section:
- Click to tick the checkbox for Allow Omni UI users... to add a Queues view to the agents' Omni interface. This will let agents view the current queues and select messages from them.
- When an agent makes a manual call out from their Inbound tab, the Default project for Inbound tab determines which project, and thus which contact list a new contact will be added to.
- The source of active contacts drop-down list determines whether contacts offered to agents should show as from the project or the latest queue the contact was in.
In this case, the email from Rob lists Finland -Customer service which was the most recent queue this email was in. If The source of active contacts setting was changed, it would display the project associated with that emails instead. |
- Click to tick the Enable agent capacity limitation checkbox to set an upper limit on the number of active contacts your agents can have. If an agent reaches the limit, they will not be offered any more messages until their active contacts falls below the limit again. The active contacts limit does not apply to calls.
The Facebook app management section
This section is part of the setup for Facebook messenger for Omni.