Buttons in action
Buttons provide a user-friendly way to guide customers through a conversation. Offering a narrow list of options help send customers to the most useful information quickly. Depending on the type of button used (see below), clicking a button might take the customer to a specific intent, or may open a different webpage outside the chatbot completely. Providing buttons does not necessarily limit the customer's ability to ask the question they want to ask. In this example there are buttons which would take the customer to more information about products, invoicing, how to connect, but the customer can still type a question in the chat window normally. |
Creating buttons
There are three different button types available:
- Button
- Link
- Callback (only for giosg customers)
Using the Button type
When a customer clicks a button of type Button they will be directed to a specific intent. This feature is very useful when providing alternatives to the customer or asking validation for follow-up questions.
While creating a new intent, or editing an existing one:
- In the and performs action section, click the drop-down list and select Show buttons.
- Click the Next intent drop-down list to select which intent the customer will go to after this. If you have not created the next intent yet, click to select the Create new intent option to create a placeholder.
- In the Label field, type the text which will appear on the button. Keep it short, but make sure it is clear.
- Click the Type field and select Button.
- To add further buttons, click the add new button link.
- Continue to make any further changes to the intent. Remember to Save it when done.
Using the Link type
When a customer clicks a button of type Link, in addition to taking them to a new intent specified by the button, it opens a web page, using a URL you specify. This lets you link to other sites without cluttering up chat with URLs.
While creating a new intent, or editing an existing one:
- In the and performs action section, click the drop-down list and select Show buttons.
- Click the Next intent button to select which intent the customer will go to after this. If you have not created the next intent yet, click to select the Create new intent option to create a placeholder.
- In the Label field, type the text which will appear on the button. Keep it short, but make sure it is clear.
- Click the Type field and select Link.
- In the URL field type, or paste, the address for the page you are linking too.
- Click the Target drop-down list and choose if you want the new web page to open in a New window of the Same window.
- To add further buttons, click the add new button link.
- Continue to make any further changes to the intent. Remember to Save it when done.
Using the Callback type
Callback is a link button specific to some giosg use cases. It is similar to a link type button, except it will only link to the current webpage the user is on, adding a tag to the end of it. For example, if the chat as on the page www.exampleurl.com and the callback button was set to add the tag #callback, the page would reopen as www.exampleurl.com#callback.
This feature is currently available only for customers using the giosg chat platform and is used to redirect the customer to a callback form the chat window.