The LeadDesk Windows application (available here) provides an alternative to agents using LeadDesk in a browser.
If an agent who uses the Windows application is browsing the web and encounters a phone number set up as a link (as either Tel or Callto) they can click the link to automatically dial that number in LeadDesk.
However, certain other Windows applications might already be set to handle phone numbers instead. This article discusses how to set Windows to use LeadDesk as its preferred dialer in these cases.
Installing the Windows application
To use this feature, you must select the appropriate protocols when installing the Windows application. You can uninstall and reinstall the application if necessary.
When prompted in the Select Components dialog:
- Click to tick either Supported Url Protocols to select all (recommended) or click to tick the specific protocols needed.
- Click the Next button and continue with the installation.
Once installation of the application is complete, you may need to check the default associations, as described below.
Windows 11
This information was correct at time of writing but may be subject to change with Windows updates.
- Press or click the Start button.
- In the menu search, type Control panel.
- Click the Control panel icon.
In the Control Panel:
- Click the Programs link (not Uninstall a program).
- Click the Default Programs link.
- In the Set a default for a file type or link type field, type CALLTO.
- Click in the Choose a default box.
- Click to select the LeadDesk application.
- Click the Set default button.
- Repeat with the type TEL.
Windows 8 or 10
There are other programs that allow you to use click-to-dial.
Though LeadDesk allows you to open these links, it is possible that your Windows settings take control over these types of links.
- Press or click the Start button.
- In the Start menu, click the Settings icon
- Click to select Apps.
- Click to select Default apps.
- Under the list of Default apps, click the link Choose default apps by protocol.
- Find CALLTO in the list and click Choose a default.
- When prompted to Choose an app, select LeadDesk.
- Repeat for TEL.
Calling other phone numbers
If you want to automatically call any phone number (even those not formatted as callto or tel) you need to use Chrome and have the LeadDesk Chrome extension enabled. This works whether the agent is using the Windows application or the browser.