The transfer chat action will move the chatbot to a live agent.
Before transferring a chat it is recommended that you check opening hours to make sure their will be an agent to respond. Add the Opening hours necessary condition to the intent, for more on that see the article How do Necessary Conditions work?
- Complete the normal intent information, including its name, category (if any) and any queries or conditions that will trigger this intent.
- In the then bot replies section, type the reply as normal. Keep in mind that this will be the last message the bot send in this conversation.
- In the and performs action section, click the drop-down list and select Transfer chat.
Most platforms will have a default target. The conversation will be transferred to it, unless the optional Target is set. Exactly what the Target should be will vary from platform to platform. In some cases it may just need the team name, for example. If you are using LeadDesk Omni, the Target would be the URL of a flow that points to the correct queue.
- Optionally then, specify a Target.
- Optionally, click the Next intent on success drop-down list and select the correct intent.
- Optionally, click the Next intent on failure drop-down list and select the correct intent.
- Click the Save button.
If you need help on setting up the transfer chat to a certain platform, please contact