It is possible that you are only interested in the analytics for your bot during normal business hours. For example, if your bot is used exclusively to support your team when they are working.
To filter to your analytics, in Chatbot Studio:
- If you have multiple bots, click to select the bot you want analytics for from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
- Click the Analytics page from the left-hand menu.
- Select the date range you want to see analytics for my selecting the correct From/to dates.
- Depending on the date range selected, optionally click the By drop-down list to specify if you want to see data grouped by hour, day, week or month.
To view analytics only during working hours for that date range:
- Click to toggle the Time range filter on.
- Click the Time drop-downs to select the start and end of business hours.
- Optionally, click the Weekdays drop-down list to specify the start and end of a working week.
The charts and data on the Analytics page will automatically update to reflect the selected date and time range.