Patch schedule:
Telemagic follows this patch schedule under normal circumstances.
Feature patch:
2025-02-04 New version FP 10487:
- New GUI to collect failed recordings available at adminGUI: Customer->failedRecordings
- Minor fixes and improvements
2025-01-15 New version FP 10478:
- New: TMG-sipSocket SSL certificate added
- New: Customer-card timeline events are now customizable from adminGUI job-settings page
- Fix: Archived jobs could appear on adminGUI status page
- Fix: Anonymized customer could still contain phoneNumber
- Minor fixes and improvements
2024-12-11 New version FP 10458:
- Improved partial and exact search
- Added "Remember" feature to filters in customer/address-search in agentGUI.
- Added partial and exact search options in customer-info page for search options "Contact Info" and "Phone Number" in adminGUI
- Search remember-filters now clear cached selections
- Fix: Inbound project only lookup did not show jobs correctly where customer exist
- Minor fixes and improvements
2024-10-24 New version FP 10419:
- New partial search matching, in customer & address search
- New tmgId filter in subscription overview page
- New BusinessClient column in customer search and also a search filter
- Global CRM configuration moved under BusinessClient
- Improved execution time for re-indexing CRM customers
- Restructure of search fields hierarchy/placement in customer search page
- Customer & address search filter will default on current project/job
- Fix: SMS button could disappear on customer-card
- Fix: List upload: not possible for re-upload after failure first time
- Minor fixes and improvements
2024-08-21 New version FP 10376:
- Added: CPaaS:SMS service integration.
- Added: New Column NumberOwner in validDisplayNumbers table.
- Update: Update Project setting admin page to use new validation API.
- Update: New SSL certificates.
- Updated: Improved TMG-CRM functionalities using elasticserach to find match when uploading customer.
- Fix: Some templates failed to encode as gsm7.
- Fix: Payment Reminders Not Triggering Due to Conditional Failure.
- Fix: Bug, cleaned ProductId for whitepsaces.
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-07-05 New version FP 10349:
- Fix: Anonymized customers will now have blocked status added to them. This will stop them from being called up if already on an active list.
- Added: Next reminder date on payment overview.
- Updated: Subscription overview dashboard with more statistics and graphs.
- Subscriptions will now also be grouped under Business Clients the project and subscription belongs too.
- Fix: Bug with notification not popping up when inbound call comes in on blended calls.
- Added: Way to disable and enable payment reminders on customers payments.
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-05-23 New version FP 10311:
- Fix: Issue with login screen fonts would change style during autofill
- Fix: Issue where PD button wouldn't sync across multiple admin view tabs/sessions.
- Added: When external SCIM system (like Okta) is enabled, we will disallow and disable user changes in TMG admin view. All changes will now be exclusively done by the external system.
- Fix: JobFiles will now also be deleted when deleting job or project.
- Added: Transaction tables for SCIM endpoints
- Fix: ProductID field was sometimes disabled during list item creation. Bug now fixed.
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-05-03 New version FP 10283:
- Added: Okta supported single sign on flow (SSO).
- Added: Scim 2.0 support for Users and Groups
- Allows synchronization and administration of users with Okta, MS Azure AD or similar tools
- Added: Support for OpenAI ChatGPT assistents for TMG Message Service chat bots
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-04-19 New version FP 10263:
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-04-05 New version FP 10250:
- Fixed: Agent sip status was not shown correctly to the admins in agent status view
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-04-02 New version FP 10246:
- Fixed: Added extra guards with callbacks and resetting timers and count for PD
- Change: AvtaleGiro API will run once 10:00 every morning
- Fixed: 2FA remember me feature
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-03-16 New version FP 10236:
- Change: Move notification settings in the web client so they are more appropriated grouped
- Added: More caching of agents
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-03-13 New version FP 10230:
- Added: Notifications with sounds. Agent option
- Added: Notifications can be turned on to pop up on the Operating System as well.
- Windows usually pops up on the right bottom corner
- Added: Notification will be displayed on the browser tab if a new notification is received while working in another browser tab.
- Added: Caching to business clients and projects to speed up som GET requests.
- Fixed: Reduce the number of DND and QP events sent to the server
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-02-28 New version FP 10217:
- Added; Filter for only "NEW" and "Unassinged" conversations in message service GUI
- Added: Addition SMS delay features and limits
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-02-19 New version FP 10194:
- Added: Google map button to web agent view. Will search up the address in google map.
- Added: Can customize 2FA remember me time. New limit can be set between 1-90 days. Default is 30 days
- Fixed: Issue with changing password page did not redirect to login page
- Added: New SMS delay features and limits
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-01-31 New version FP 10171:
- Added: Subscription information to customer information search in admin page.
- Added: OCR stack migrated to own service outside customer server
- Fixed: DND/QP should now stay ON when in predictive dialer mode.
- Fixed: Fixed a few finish localization errors.
- Fixed: Issue where products sometimes failed to be created during Admin wizard mode.
- Added: Warning when changing subscription product that has active subscriptions.
- Added: More filter and sorting options for subscription overview page.
- Added: New SIP socket licence added. Must reinstall sip socket on this FP.
- Changed: Added new way to control connected CRMs
- Fixed: Issue where chat opening hours would not update.
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2024-01-12 New version FP 10128:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2024-01-05 New version FP 10121:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-12-19 New version FP 10100:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-12-13 New version FP 10091:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-12-12 New version FP 10089:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-12-09 New version FP 10088:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-12-07 New version FP 10084:
- Added: Queue overview page has now a setting for hiding offline agents
- Added: Better syncing between client and server DND states. If server has an other DND state than client than the client will reconfirm the wanted client DND state. This is also true for client queue pause (QP) state.
- Added: Subscription payment forcast API and graphs
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-11-25 New version FP 10060:
- Change: Make web-agent client re-enforce DND and queue pause state if client and server has gone out of sync.
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-11-24 New version FP 10058:
- Improvements to subscription overview UI
- Increase max attachement size to 30 MB for message service
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-11-22 New version FP 10053:
- Multiple smaller changes and fixes.
2023-11-21 New version FP 10049:
- Added: Page and API for subscription analytics
- Added: Support for business client logos to differentiate project, jobs and customers visually.
- Feature currently only shown in admin GUI
- Feature will be rolled out to agent GUI soon.
- Logo must be uploaded from the business client edit page. Image has a max size of 10 MB and must be a .png
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.
2023-11-18 New version FP 10042:
- Added: POST API for downloading recordings: POST /recording/zipfile/
- Deprecated: GET /recording/zipfile/ is set to deprecated and can still be used.
- Added: Subscription products and payment schedules
- Currently supports email invoices and avtale giro. Vipps recurring and other payment options are planned in the future for the subscription module.
- Added: Confirmation document maker. Can make confirmation PDF documents out of SMS, IVR, Manual and Web confirmations.
- Added: Client format email setting to allows agent to set their own email address as sender when sending emails from customer card window.
- Added: Setting that will allow agent to change email title and template before sending from customer card.
- Multiple other smaller changes and fixes.