Im Folgenden finden Sie die Definitionen aller Werte innerhalb der Berichte.
Effizienzbericht des Agenten
Alle Anrufe
Alle Verkäufe
Zusammenfassung der Gesprächsabbrüche
Effizienzbericht der Kampagne
Effizienzbericht der Kontaktliste
Anzahl der Anrufe (pro Tag)
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Name | Agentenname |
Anrufe | Anrufe sind die Summe aller Anrufe innerhalb des Zeitraums und Sponsor ist Kampagnensponsor. |
Hinweis: Anrufe beinhalten alle Anrufe (angenommene und unbeantwortete Anrufe). | |
Beantwortete Anrufe | Gleich wie alle Anrufe, aber es zählen nur Anrufe mit Status = "beantwortet" |
Hinweis: Beantwortete Anrufe sind diejenigen, die verbunden werden, egal wer den Anruf annimmt. Es kann ein Kunde sein, Voice-Mail / Anrufbeantworter | |
Durchgeführte Anrufe | Durchgeführte (abgeschlossene) Anrufe sind angenommene Anrufe, die nach einem stattgefundenem Anruf ausgeblendet / aus der Kontaktliste entfernt werden. Der Agent wird keine Rückfrage mehr zu diesem Kontakt tätigen. Der Agent wird diesen Kontakt nicht mehr zurückrufen. |
Abschlüsse | In diesem Bericht werden Abschlüsse auf der Grundlage des Anrufergebnisses "Verkauf" gezählt und nicht abhängig von Bestellungen. |
Erfolgsrate | |
Abschlüsse pro Stunde | |
Verkäufe (EUR) | Verkäufe: Basierend auf der Tabelle "Bestellungen und Produkte" in der Datenbank. Gesamtverkäufe = Produktmenge * Verkaufspreis. |
Produktmenge ist jeder Bestellung beigefügt | |
Der Verkaufspreis wird basierend auf der Summe des freien Preises gezählt, die der Agent bestimmt. | |
Wenn der Agent keinen neuen Preis festlegt, ist der Verkaufspreis die Summe des Verkaufspreises - des vom Admin festgelegten Standardpreises | |
Provision in EUR | Provision in EUR: gezählt basierend auf Provisionsanteil, Produktmenge und Provisionswerte in der Datenbank Bestellungen und Produkte. |
Formel: (Provision+ (Verkaufspreis * Provision/ 100)) * Produktmenge | |
Verkauf EUR/ Stunde | |
Gesprächszeit | Die Gesprächszeit wird gezählt, wenn der Anruf gestartet wird. Es beginnt, wenn der Anruf abgehoben wird und endet, wenn der Anruf aufgelegt wird. |
Prozessdauer | Die Prozessdauer zählt, wie lange das Anruffenster nach dem Trennen des Anrufs geöffnet ist (= Zeitstempel des Schließens des Anruffensters - Zeitstempel des Trennung der Verbindung), z.B. zum Bearbeiten von Informationen, E-Mail senden . |
Arbeitsdauer | Arbeitszeit = Gesamtzeit der Anmeldung (alle Aktivitäten inklusive Pausenzeit, Training, Mittagessen usw.) |
Dies schließt die Aktivitäten aus, die bis zum nächsten Tag dauern (in dem Fall, wenn der Agent hat vergessen, sich abzumelden) | |
Anrufzeit / Arbeitszeit | Anrufzeit / Arbeitszeit |
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Name | Agentenname |
First call started | Zeitstempel des ersten Anrufs durch den Agenten |
Last call ended | Zeitstempel des letzten Anrufs durch den Agenten |
Work time | Summe aller Aktivitäten (keine Pausen enthalten) |
Calls | Alle Anrufe |
Hinweis: Anrufe beinhalten alle Anrufe (angenommene und unbeantwortete Anrufe). | |
Answered | Beantwortete Anrufe |
Hinweis: Beantwortete Anrufe sind diejenigen, die angenommen werden, egal wer das Telefonat annimmt. Es kann ein Kunde sein, Voice-Mail / Anrufbeantworter | |
Call time | Ähnlich wie Gesprächszeit in diesem Bericht. Die Gesprächszeit wird gezählt, wenn der Anruf gestartet wird. Er beginnt also, wenn der Anruf abgenommen wird und endet, wenn der Anruf aufgelegt wird. |
Finalized | Durchgeführte Anrufe. |
Durchgeführte Anrufe sind angenommene Anrufe, die nach einem stattgefundenen Telefonanruf ausgeblendet / aus der Kontaktliste entfernt werden. Der Agent wird keinen Rückruf mehr zu diesem Kontakt tätigen. | |
Deals | Die Deals/Abschlüsse in diesem Bericht basieren auf Bestellungen (gleiche Daten beim Öffnen von Überblick> Aufträge) |
Deals per hour | Number of deals made per working hour. |
Deals per finalized | Number of deals made out of finalized calls. |
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Agent username | Agent's username. |
Name | Agent's name. |
Calling time (Hour) | Amount of hours the agent has called. |
All calls | All calls made by agent. |
Answered calls | All answered calls by agent. |
Unasnwered calls | All unaswered calls by agent. |
Finalized calls | All calls which agent has finalized (no more callback after this call). |
Deals | Number of deals made by agent. |
Over 5min calls | Amount of calls made by agent that lastet more than 5 mintues. |
Deals/Answered calls (%) | Deals as a percentage of answered calls. |
Deals/Finalized calls (%) | Deals as a percentage of finalized calls. |
Days logged in | Amount of days the agent has been logged in within the date range. |
Hours logged in | Amount of hours the agent has been logged in within the date range. |
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Company | Contact's company as found from contact card. |
Client | Contact's first & last name as found from contact card. |
Phone number | Contact's phone number to which the call was made. |
Date | Date on which the call was made. |
Time | Time at which the call was made. |
Agent | Agent that made the call. |
Campaign | Campaign from which the call was made. |
Contact list | Contact list which contained the contact card to which the call was made. |
Call result | Call ending reason used for the call. |
Discussion comment | Call comment(s) made by agent. |
Callback comment | Callback comment made for particular call. |
Address | Contact's address retrieved from the contact card. |
Postal code | Contact's postal code as entered in contact card. |
City | Contact's city as entered in contact card. |
Contact's e-mail address as entered in contact card. |
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Ordering time | Time the order was made. |
invoicing - First name | First name of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Last name | Last name of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Company | Company of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - VAT number | VAT number of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Title | Title of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - SSC | SSC of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Year of birth | Year of birth of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Address | Address of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Postal code | Postal code of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Country | Country of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - City | City of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - Phone number | Phone number of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - E-Mail | E-mail of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
invoicing - WWW address | Website of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Order" fields. |
Agent office | Office of agent who made the deal. |
Agent name | Name of agent who made the deal. |
Agent username | Username of agent who made the deal. |
Campaign | Campaign from which the call was made via which the deal was made. |
Discussion comment | Call comment(s) made by agent. |
Order Comment | Comment(s) made by agent on the deal. |
Order's state | The state the order is, retrieved via Admin > Order states. |
invoicing - Other info 1 - 20 | Information filled-in in fields 1 to 20. |
delivery - First name | First name of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - Last name | Last name of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - Company | Company of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - Title | Title of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - Address | Address of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - Postal code | Postal code of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - City | City of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - Phone number | Phone number of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
delivery - E-Mail | E-Mail of person to be invoiced as entered in contact card in the "Delivery" fields. |
Call recording | Call recording of the phone call in which the deal was made. |
Voice receipt | Voice receipt made during the phone call in which the deal was made. |
Zusammenfassung der Gesprächsabbrüche
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Call result | Call ending reason from a call which was answered and the call ending reason was filled in. |
Count | Number of calls with the particular call ending reason. |
Average call length (minutes) | Average length of all answered calls made within the data set. |
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Name | Campaign name |
Calls | Count the number of calls based on unique ID of each call logged |
Answered calls | Count the total number of calls of which the call status is "answered" |
Finalized calls | Call result which results in the contact being called back from contactlist (exception of "callback"). |
Deals | Count calls with call status "answered" and call ending reason = "deal" |
Success rate | Deals / Finalized calls |
Deals per hour | Deals / Working Time |
Sales EUR | For each order made, take agent's freeprice first. |
Commission in EUR | Take product commission PLUS (sales*commission percent*quantity of orders) |
Sales EUR/h | Sales / Working Time |
If the agent doesn't set free price, then take order's salesprice. | |
If there's no price at all, then salesprice will be 0 | |
Talking time | Total talking time of each call log made. |
Handling time | Time between the agent ends the call and close the contact card. |
Handling time limited to 0 - 30 min | |
Working time | Take agent activity end time MINUS agent activity start time |
Calling time/working time | Talking Time/ Working Time |
Effizienzbericht der Kontaktliste
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Name | Contact list's name. |
Calls | Amount of calls made via the contact list. |
Answered calls | Amount of answered calls made via the contact list. |
Finalized calls | Finalized calls are answered calls which will be hidden/ removed from the contact list after certain phone call made. The agent will not make a call back to that contact any more. |
Deals | Amount of deals made via an answered call on the contact list. |
Success rate | Deals / Finalized calls |
Deals per hour | Deals / Working Time |
Sales EUR | For each order made, take agent's freeprice first. If the agent doesn't set free price, then take order's salesprice. If there's no price at all, then salesprice will be 0 |
Commision in EUR | Take product commission PLUS (sales*commission percent*quantity of orders) |
Sales EUR / h | Sales / Working Time |
Spalten |
Beschreibung/ Zusätzliche Info |
Date | Date of calls made |
Call attempts | Amount of call attempts made on that date |
Answered calls | Amount of calls answered on that date |
Finalized calls | Amount of finalized calls made on that date |
Deals | Amount of deals made on that date |
Deals / Answered calls (%) | Deals as a percentage of answered calls |
Deals / Finalized calls (%) | Deals as a percentage of finalized calls |