If a call is not answered the first time you place it, you probably do not want to call again immediately afterwards. For each outbound campaign, you can define how long you should wait before calling again.
You can specify this behaviour when you create a project, or update it at any later point. In your Admin account:
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- To create a new project, click Create. You may be prompted to select which type of Project to create. If so, for outbound calling, select Call center project.
Alternatively, to edit an existing project, find it in the Project List and click its name. - Scroll down to the Call results section.
In the Call results section you can manage how the project handles unanswered calls.
You may want to wait a relatively short time after the first unanswered call to a number, but if the call is unanswered again, you may want to wait longer. The first two settings lets you do this.
- Define waiting period for unanswered numbers. Type a number of minutes to wait after the first unanswered call.
- Define waiting period for repeatedly unanswered numbers. Type a number of minutes to wait after subsequent unanswered calls.
If the contact is busy and unable to answer at a particular time of day, you may want to avoid calling at the same time again, or near it.
- Define a daily calling time restriction for an unanswered number. Let's you choose a number of hours to avoid either side of a time you had previous called.
For example if you set this value to 2 hours and a call at 1117 was not answered, the next call attempt will not happen between 0917 (two hours before the previous unanswered call) and 1317 (two hours after the previous unanswered calling time).