LeadDesk can send information about calls and messages dealt with by your agents to external sites. This information includes details about the contact and the call. This can be used for a range of purposes, from statistical analysis to triggering events based on particular outcomes. Whenever an agent assigns a outcome to a call or message, if you have specified an external URL, the details of the interaction are sent automatically.
You can specify this data be sent to the external site for both outbound or inbound projects. You can specify it when you create the project, or update it later.
To update an existing project, in your Admin account:
- Go to the Projects page.
- Go to the Project List subpage.
- If necessary, search for the project you want to change.
- Click the name of the project to edit it.
- Go to the Optional settings heading and click it to see the available options.
- Type or paste the address of the external site into the External URL field.
- Click the Save button in the top-right when done.
What happens when you set an External URL
- The agent works normally, answering or making calls, or responding to messages in Omni.
- As normal, the agent assigns an outcome, either at the end of the call, or at the end of a conversation for Omni messages.
- Once the outcome is assigned, the external site is called using GET, allowing basic HTTP authentication, for example: https://username:password@<your_url>.com/
- This doesn't use the possible return value from the HTTP request.
The interaction with the external site requires no interaction by the agent. It is handled automatically in the back-end.
The call (or message) information will only be sent to the external site if:
- The agent is working on a project that has the External URL setting.
- The agent assigns an outcome to the interaction.
Note that in the case of Omni messages, the information passed to the external site describes the message with the call ending reason, not the whole conversation.
Other useful information
Useful follow-up API calls:
- last_call_id allows for pulling all information from a call
- (Depending on your set-up) you can use the reason_id to locate if a deal was made, using the call_logs_id to find order related items.
Response IP addresses
If you have a strict network / firewall setup, you may need to whitelist the IP addresses relevant to the client zone you are in:
NOR zone customers[6-7][5-8][37-40]
CEU zone customers[4-6]
CE2 zone customers
QED zone customers
Example parameters
Other info field values (other_info_*) are passed only if they contain data, and other info titles (other_i_name_*) are passed only if they vary from the default name of the field.
Customers.id is not passed at all.
Call parameters
This is a typical set of parameters sent tot he external site after a call (outbound or inbound).
[id] => 72423 (This is contact id) [phone] => +35840123123 [fname] => Teuvo [lname] => Testaaja [address] => Testaajankatu 9 [postal] => 53850 [city] => Lappeenranta [other_info_ft] => MOB [other_info_sec] => MOB [client_id] => 1437 [created_at] => 2018-01-11 13:15:14 [updated_at] => 2018-02-28 12:38:39 [other_i_name_1] => Beløb [other_i_name_2] => Frekvens [other_i_name_3] => Bank [other_i_name_4] => Reg.Nr [other_i_name_5] => Konto Nr. [other_i_name_6] => CPR Nr. [other_i_name_7] => Kommentar til aftalen [other_info_8] => 10612104 [other_i_name_8] => BASE-ID [other_i_name_9] => STEDNAVN [other_info_10] => 727 [other_i_name_10] => KOMMUNE-KODE [other_info_11] => Fuldtnavn_adresse [other_i_name_11] => Robinson [last_reason] => 11555 [calling_list_id] => 3552 [last_call_id] => 13959 [reason_id] => 11555 [campaign_id] => 1563 [call_logs_id] => 13959
Email and webchat parameters
Much of the information passed about emails and webchats is the same as for calls, but there are two additional parameters, used instead of call_logs_id:
[from] => email@example.com
[type] => email
Or for webchat:
[from] => (shows the connector id for your webchat widget)
[type] => webchat