Predictive Dialer
The LeadDesk Predictive Dialer is for all call centers and sales teams that want to increase their call rates and increase sales.
As an agent, one of your biggest bottlenecks is most likely getting someone on the phone. The predictive dialer calls numbers on its own, can check for voicemails and will only transfer a phone call to you once the potential customer picks up, saving you valuable time.
The predictive dialer:
- Predicts when agents become available and set up their next calls
- Minimizes drop rates
- Reduces agent idle time & increases calling time per hour
- Can be enabled per campaign
- Is able to comply with your local regulations via the drop rate selector
LeadDesk Predictive Dialer for agents
When activated by your administrator:
- You need to be on the Incoming Calls tab to receive calls from the dialer.
- Select "Answer Automatically" to have LeadDesk start the conversation when passed to you. You will hear a short "beep" to signal you to start talking.
- If "Answer Automatically" is not ticked you will receive an on-screen dialogue to either Answer or Discard the call.
Combining LeadDesk Predictive Dialer and inbound
Common workflow for contact centers handling a high volume of both inbound and outbound calls is to use the Predictive Dialer and Inbound.
A couple of points to note in this advanced inbound blending scenario:
- Campaigns with Predictive Dialer enabled will not show the agent an extra tab on their interface, they will need to be in the Incoming Calls tab.
- The Incoming Calls window gives the agent inbound calls and outbound calls made with the Predictive Dialer.
Consult your administrator and contact your LeadDesk representative for more information.