Agents must be granted the right to access a campaign or project. There are several ways to go this:
- When creating an outbound campaign, you can select an agent in the Agent and contact list selection. This will not only grant the agent access to that campaign, it almost makes it the default campaign for that agent, each agent can only be associated with one campaign this way.
- When creating an inbound call queue you can untick To access the queue, require the agent to have an access rights to the project, meaning that the agent no longer requires access to the project to answer calls from that queue.
- To give agents access right to multiple campaigns/projects, use the Access rights page.
This article discusses the third of these options.
In your Admin account:
- Go to the Users page.
- Go to the Access rights subpage.
If you have many projects, you can filter those being displayed.
- Click the Office drop-down list and select which office you want to see projects for. Alternatively, type part of the project's name in the Search project field.
- If you have set either of these filters, click the Use button to apply them.
Access levels explained
The top row of the table is always Full access rights within the office:
- A green tick in this row means the agent has access rights to all projects associated with the selected office, including any projects that are created later in that office.
- A red tick means the agent has no access rights to any projects for the selected office.
For each project, your agent might have:
- A green tick - the agent has access rights to that project.
- Blank - the agent does not have access rights (unless they have full rights, determined by a green tick in the first row).
Note: Full access can be overridden by the settings of a outbound campaign. In the optional settings for a campaign there is a setting The campaign is selectable by agents with full access rights. If this is unticked for a campaign, the agent must be explicitly granted access to that campaign in the table.
Granting an agent access
Across the top of the table you will see your agents' names, listed alphabetically. Use the scrollbar underneath the table to see more. To change the access rights for an agent:
- Find the agent in the table heading, scrolling if necessary.
- Click the cell in the table that corresponds to that agent for that project (or for Full access).
Changes are applied immediately, there is no save button.